Printed materials are often the only remnants left around after a meeting or sales call. Make sure yours pass the test.
Many companies are opting for digital brochures these days as they are less expensive to produce and easier to change. However, don’t under estimate a potential client holding something physical in their hand — a piece of paper, a folding brochure, a book — is a much different experience than viewing something on a screen. It’s also much easier to take to a meeting or leave behind after a sales call.
Print design adds a tactile experience that might include texture, shape, or printing effects like letterpress, embossing, or screenprinting. The right printing techniques combined with great design can really help your company’s information jump off the page and engage the reader.
Comprehensive brochure about Athena Wealth Strategies and their services.
A goal without a plan is just a wish -- a true statement that applies to many things in life, especially retirement. At Athena Wealth Strategies we consider ourselves first and foremost retirement strategists. If you’re not sure what to expect in retirement, you’re not alone. Because we are living longer and staying active longer, the very definition of retirement is changing.
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This 80 page book was produced from a box of old photographs -- some as old as the late 1800’s. It represents 100 years of a family’s history as they came to the United States from Ireland to escape the great potato famine.
Book includes family history, photos and recipies that have been passed around over the years.
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Investment brochure and prospectus. Each chapter in the 40-page brochure changes scenes as the different environmental funds are outlined.
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The green movement is certainly more than a fad, and is well worth the effort. Manufacturers and suppliers recognize the value of producing products in an earth-friendly way.
Product brochure outlines organic cotton bedding and fabrics made in the USA for hotel and hospitality room design.
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The Green City Water Project brochure outlines a patent-pending method involving ion exchange for purifying water inexpensively. The KNeW process recovers water and converts the brine to potassium nitrate and ammonium sulfate fertilizers. The sale of these fertilizers allows the KNeW process to sell water at competitive rates and offsets the cost of desalination. This brochure was presented to a group of investors and government officials interested in the technology.
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Right Care promises a fresh, new approach to caring for seniors who wish to maintain their independence and their self-determination. We understand the needs of these clients and we are committed to treating them with the utmost consideration of, and concern for their choices.
Right Care is a boutique firm, not an agency, delivering personal attention and customized services to their senior client base.
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Total Fertility® by TRUSTED SCIENCE is the #1 OTC, Doctor-Recommended Fertility Brand on the Market and has been for almost 10 years. It is the brand Fertility Specialists trust to prepare their patients for the best opportunity to conceive, carry, and have a healthy child.
Developed by a Reproductive Specialist with a keen understanding that parenting begins prior to conception, both Total Fertility® Advantage for Men and Total Fertility® Preconception for Women contain ingredients necessary for healthy sperm and eggs, which ultimately produce healthy embryos.
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This colorful 12-page guide offers a complete listing of channels and artists for commercial-free music customers.
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